We invite short and position papers from researchers and practitioners working in related areas to the conference to discuss their work on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems.
The maximum length of short and position papers must be 6 printed pages, excluding bibliography and appendices (8 pages total). Title of
the papers must start by « (Short Paper) » of « (Position Paper) ». The submissions will be handled through the Easy Chair conference
management system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=crisis2020.
Short and position papers will be presented in the conference and included in the post-proceedings.
We also invite you to submit a poster describing your research for virtual presentation at CRISIS 2020. Posters should describe research related to the CRISIS topics of interest.
– All submitted posters will be uploaded onto the conference website
– During the conference, the poster session will run as a Q&A session on which posters’ authors would be expected to answer questions during this session. There will also be breakout rooms available for individual discussions about the work.
The maximum length of posters must be 2 printed pages total. Title must start by « (Poster Paper) ». The submissions will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system:
Papers and posters must be written in English and must be submitted electronically in PDF format in LNCS style.